Erin Lee
Erin Lee joined the team in April 2019 as the Assistant of READY! for Kindergarten. Since she has taken on the role of Educational Program Director as of January 2022. She directs both our READY! for Kindergarten and Team Read programs.
Erin has over 20 years of experience in child development, early education, community outreach and psychology. She started this journey early in high school. After earning her degree in Psychology with a minor in Social Work, she worked a variety of jobs in the mental health field all focused on child welfare. When her family moved to the Tri-Cities she decided to become a Pre-K teacher for 6 years. Erin has dedicated her whole life to the well-being of children and the advocacy for healthy families. She is thrilled to get the opportunity to support parents in kindergarten readiness and early literacy with their children.
Erin enjoys spending time with her teenagers and husband. She enjoys visiting and camping at National Parks with her family, reading, walking and volunteering time within her community.

Favorite Book:
My favorite children’s book is “Mama, Do you Love Me?” Written by Barbara M. Joosse. It describes the unconditional love and intuition a parent can have for a child. It has amazing illustrations which also help in further discussions with your child about the world and expands a child’s vocabulary. The book allows a parent to delve into the importance of identifying and understanding feelings.